StockFreeImages - the largest web collection of Free Images
Stock Free Images is the largest web collection of FREE images, with 904,148 images, royalty-free stock photos and illustrations.

If you're a designer, advertiser, webmaster or blogger, check it out! You can license our images free of charge or use our premium plans for enhanced access.

Stockfreeimages is powered and owned by, a distinguished leader in stock photography worldwide.
Dreamstime is a major stock image supplier to an infinite gamut of clients in the creative market from independent customers in the private sector to Fortune 500 companies (including the world's largest advertising agencies, national and international magazines, film and television production companies).
Launched in 2012, Stockfreeimages is a Dreamstime project meant to feature content donated by Dreamstime contributors for free download. Dreamstime contributors are responsible for the donation and entitle Dreamstime and thus Stockfreeimages to make the image available to Stockfreeimages' registered customers, accompanied by the regular Royalty Free license. Stockfreeimages will not charge customers for downloading the files at web small size. Additional plans with access to high resolution images are available.

All images downloaded from Stockfreeimages are licensed under the Royalty Free license which means you license the image once and then you can use it as many times as you like, with just a few restrictions. At this time StockFreeImages provides access to its content for free, in exchange of a link back to our website (where possible). The maximum number of copies for printed materials is 10,000 copies and the license granted is Royalty Free. Stockfreeimages also provides paid access to its content in which case the link back is optional while the maximum number of copies for printed materials is 500,000 copies. The license granted is again Royalty Free.

In March 2012, the site has 7,200 registered members and around 352,200 free images from 16,110 photographers. In March 2013, the site has 437,850 registered members and around 904,148 free images from 31,447 photographers.

2,000 new users join StockFreeImages each day.

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